Common name


Olive barb, Putia (Hindi)

Scientific name


Puntius sarana




Distribution   India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Srilanka, Thailand


It is freshwater medium-size food fish that has preferential food value in north-eastern India. The fish is found in freshwater rivers, reservoirs and ponds. It grows to a length of about 42 cm and weigh 1.4 kg. Scales of this fish are comparatively bigger and brightly shiny than other carp fishes and hence considered as ornamental fish. It can live in wide variety of water quality. The ideal temperature is 26-28 °C, pH 7.5-8.5 and moderate hardness. It is a peaceful fish and can live with other carp fishes in a community aquarium. Omnivorous and feeds on insects, plankters, algae, plant vegetation. Readily accept cheap artificial formulated feeds. Matures in the first year. Sexes are differentiated when mature. Breeds in running water system during monsoon. Captive breeding through induced breeding has been achieved.   















