Common name


Climbing Perch, Kavai

Scientific name


Anabas testudineus




Distribution   India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Srilanka, Malaysia, Thailand, China


It is found in canals, lakes, ponds, swamps and estuaries  and is considered an esteemed food fish in many parts of the country specially north-eastern India. Grows to a length of around 25 cm. It has 4 wide cross bands on body and a black spot on caudal peduncle. Body colour is golden to black that developes on the basis of colour of water. The fish used to climb over plants and hence is also known as “Climbing Perch”. Very hardy fish and live in poor quality pond waters and hence does not require higher water quality, generally find in temperature range of 22-30 °C. In dry season it buried herself under the earth. Mild aggressive and can live with other similar species. Surface feeder, omnivore and mainly devour on insects and their larvae and zooplankters. It also accepts formulated feeds very well and in aquarium it may be feed any ornamental feed given to herbivore fishes. Pond breeder, captive breeding has been achieved through induced breeding.









