Common name


Featherback, Razor fish, Patra (Hindi)

Scientific name


Notopterus notopterus




Distribution   India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand


This is a common food fish found in lakes, floodplains, canals, ponds and rivers. It grows to length of around 60 cm. The body of fish is bilaterally compressed and the ventral profile is very sharp like a razor-edge and hence the name. It is silvery from sides and moves in entirely different pattern and thus also considered as ornamental. The ideal water temperature is 24-28 °C, pH 6.0-6.5 and hardness 3-8 dGH.  Keeping them in aquarium is not a problem. It is quiet peaceful with other fishes excepting fishes of very small size. Carnivore and mainly feeds on shrimps, insects, their larvae and young roots of aquatic plants. Multiple pond breeder and hence breeding this fish is not a problem. It matures in the first year of its life. A female lay 1200-3000 eggs in small clumps on submerged vegetation. The fish is relished both as fresh and in dried condition. Soup made from it is reported to be given to people for the treatment of measles.









