Common name


Giant Prawn, Scampi, Mahajhinga

Scientific name


Macrobrachium rosenbergii




Distribution   Southeast Asia, northern Oceania and Western Pacific Islands


It is the largest freshwater prawn out of 200 freshwater prawn species found in the world. It is cultured all over the world in fresh and low salinity water for food. Constitute substantial fishery in coastal states of India. It can grow up to 700 gm in weight. The optimum water quality for maintenance in aquaria is temperature 24-28 oC, pH 7.5-8.5 and total hardness 2-12 dGH. Omnivorous, feed almost all type of food/feed items in aquarium like insect larvae, earthworms, boiled egg, fish, mollusc, feed flakes and pellets. It grows in freshwater rivers and ponds but migrates to estuaries for breeding. Sexes are distinct; males are larger & have very large chelate legs; attain maturity in 3-months and breeds round the year. Captive breeding on commercial scale has been achieved. Life span is up to 5 years.    









