Common name


Malayan Angel Fish, Fingerfish, Silver moony

Scientific name


Monodactylis argenteus




Distribution   Asia and Africa


It is found in Africa, Asia and Australia along the coast in sea and the brackish waters. The body of this disc-shaped fish is laterally compressed, like the freshwater angelfishes. Scales very small and looks silvery. A dark bar passes through the large eye. Another slightly thinner bar rounds down from the front of the dorsal fin. Lateral line is highly arched. It may grows to a length of 27 cm.  This species is peaceful, lively and sometimes rather shy, but when they are kept in a large shoal, they can overcome their shyness. It should be kept along with its own kind of fishes. Monodactyl does not eat any hard-leafed plants, so the edges of the aquarium can be densely planted with ornamental plants. Ideal temperature is 24-27 °C and pH 7.2-.4. Omnivore and enjoys both live and flaked food and can also be managed on vegetable food as well. Sexual differentiation not known. Breeding  unknown.















