Common name


Yellow Acei


Scientific name


Pseudotropheus daktari




Distribution   Lake Malawi (East Africa)


This is a beautiful fish of Lake Malawi that grows to a length of 10 cm. It likes to live between the sand and gravel, so provide a bottom of coarse sand and boulders in the aquarium. Moderately aggressive but can live with other mbuna’s in a tank provided with multiple number of females. It needs a water quality of temperature 23-28 0C, pH 7.6-8.6 and hardness above 7 dGH.  An omnivore which normally feeds on aufwuchs and plankton in nature. Feed a varied diet in aquarium which includes a vegetable component including all kinds of flake and frozen foods including spirulina flakes, Tetra Cichlid Flakes, New Life Spectrum pellets and Tetra Cichlid Sticks. Males are bright yellow whereas, females are usually a more drab brownish colour. It is a maternal mouth brooder and a female may hold around 60 fry in her mouth for 3 weeks. The life span is 5-8 years









