Common name


Bloodfin Tetra

Scientific name


Aphyocharax rubripinnis




Distribution   South America


Bloodfin tetras are beautiful ornamental fishes that grow comparatively larger size amongst this group of fishes and may reach 5.5 cm in length. Its notable feature is the blood red colouration at the tail, dorsal, anal and adipose fins. The fish is almost non aggressive and highly suitable for a community aquarium. They also prefer to live amongst the vegetation and hence aquarium may be provided with artificial plants. The ideal water quality conditions for the fish are temperature 18 - 28 0C, pH- slightly acidic and soft water. They are plankton eaters and regular feeding of live foods maintain the Bloodfin tetras beautiful metallic sheen. They readily accept commercial formulated diets specially made for tetras. Most tropical flakes are also accepted by the fish. Egg scatter and female deposits 300-500 eggs over the vegetation. Bloodfin tetras are often live for ten years.









